LBCI em direto

Canal de TV:LBCI

País: Líbano

Categoria: Público

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LBCI ver transmissão em direto

The Lebanese Broadcasting Corporation International (المؤسسة اللبنانية للإرسال انترناسيونال‎), widely known as LBCI, is a private television station in Lebanon. LBCI was founded in 1992 by acquiring the assets, liabilities and logo of LBC, an entity founded in 1985 during the Lebanese Civil War by the Lebanese Forces. LBCI went global in 1996 when it launched its satellite channel LBC Al-Fadha'iya Al-Lubnaniya (Arabic: الفضائية اللبنانية‎) covering Lebanon, the Arab world, Europe, America, Australia and Africa.


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